349 authors. Search?
Here's page 4 of 18, of the authors list, sorted by Number of Quotations.
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An actor.
7 quotations.
61.A writer, philosopher, and journalist.
7 quotations.
62.7 quotations.
63.An actress.
6 quotations.
64.6 quotations.
65.A story teller from ancient Greece.
6 quotations.
66.An actress, socialite, and former beauty queen.
6 quotations.
67.The 26th President of the United States.
6 quotations.
68.The 34th President of the United States; also, a five-star general.
6 quotations.
69.A fictional character in the animated television series “The Simpsons”.
6 quotations.
70.A painter, draughtsman, and sculptor.
6 quotations.
71.An actor and comedian.
6 quotations.
72.A lawyer.
6 quotations.
73.Author and professor of biochemistry.
6 quotations.
74.An industrialist ; founder of the Getty Museum.
6 quotations.
75.An editor and novelist.
6 quotations.
76.A writer.
6 quotations.
77.A humorist, journalist, and writer.
6 quotations.
78.A science fiction writer.
5 quotations.
79.The 38th Vice President of the United States, under President Lyndon B. Johnson.
5 quotations.