349 authors. Search?
Here's page 3 of 18, of the authors list, sorted by Last Name.
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1 quotation.
41.A rocket physicist, astronautics engineer, and space architect.
1 quotation.
42.A comedian and satirist.
1 quotation.
43.A writer and cartoonist.
26 quotations.
44.A software engineer and computer scientist; author of The Mythical Man-Month.
2 quotations.
45.A writer and comedian; best known for his appearances on Saturday Night Live.
3 quotations.
46.A writer and screenwriter.
2 quotations.
47.A statesman, author, political theorist, and philosopher.
1 quotation.
48.A comedian, actor, and writer.
2 quotations.
49.The 43rd President of the United States.
28 quotations.
50.An engineer and entrepreneur; founder of Atari.
1 quotation.
51.A writer.
2 quotations.
52.An actor.
2 quotations.
53.A politician.
1 quotation.
54.An influential figure in science fiction.
1 quotation.
55.A writer, philosopher, and journalist.
7 quotations.
56.A gangster.
4 quotations.
57.A comedian and social critic.
32 quotations.
58.A game programmer; co-founder of “id Software”.
3 quotations.
59.A historian and journalist.
1 quotation.